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Varekode | kop3159 |
Vekt: | 0.13 kg |
Skala | 1:72 |
Lagt til katalogen: | 16.11.2009 |
Tagger: | Aero-L-39-Albatros |
Produsent | Kopro Kovozavody Prostejov Nad vápenkou 364 250 84 Køenice u Øíèan Tsjekkia |
Ansvarlig enhet | Kovozavody Prostejov Nad vápenkou 364 250 84 Køenice u Øíèan Tsjekkia |
The Aero L-39 Albatros is a Czechoslovakian single-engine low-wing jet-powered training aircraft. The flight of the prototype took place on November 4, 1968, and entry into the line took place in 1971. The L-39 replaced the Aero L-29 Delfin. It very quickly became the basic training aircraft of the entire Warsaw Pact, with the exception of Poland, which used PZL TS-11 Iskra aircraft. The L-39 turned out to be an export hit by Aero plants, as it was used by the air forces of over 30 countries, and its design is still being developed (L-59 Super Albatros and L-159 aircraft). The main functions of the machine are advanced training, but it is also used as a light stormtrooper. Technical data: length: 12.13m, wingspan: 9.46m, height: 4.77m, maximum speed: 750km / h, climb speed: 13.5m / s, maximum range: 1100km, maximum ceiling 11000m, armament: suspended -up to 284 kg of cargo.
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Grunnleggende opplysninger
Produsent | Kopro Kovozavody Prostejov Nad vápenkou 364 250 84 Køenice u Øíèan Tsjekkia |
Ansvarlig enhet | Kovozavody Prostejov Nad vápenkou 364 250 84 Køenice u Øíèan Tsjekkia |
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