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Varekode | rev04320 |
Ean: | 4009803043203 |
Skala | 1:72 |
Størrelse | 212x157x31 mm |
Lagt til katalogen: | 22.1.2005 |
Tagger: | Dassault-Mystere-IV |
Produsent | Revell |
Ansvarlig enhet | |
The Dassault MD 454 Mystere IV is a French single-engine fighter-bomber with a metal, half-shell structure, in a medium wing configuration. The flight of the prototype took place on September 28, 1952. Mystere IV was developed as a machine that replaced Mystere II. It had a significantly improved tail, an oval fuselage section, stronger and better designed aerodynamic wings. In addition to the basic version of the Mystere IVA, the Mystere IVB was also created, ie a plane with new jet engines with an afterburner (including Rolls-Royce Avon RA.7R or Atar 101F). However, only seven copies of this version were produced. The Mystere IVN version, designed as a night fighter with AN / APG-33 radar, also did not enter mass production. Mystere IV planes took part, on the side of Israel, in the Suez crisis in 1956 and during the Six-Day War (1967). They also fought for India in the Kashmiri War of 1965. Technical data (Mystere IVA version): length: 12.89m, wingspan: 11.12m, height: 4.46m, maximum speed: 1120km / h, rate of climb: 45m / s, maximum range: 1310km, maximum ceiling 15000m, armament: fixed - 2 DEFA cannons cal. 30 mm, suspended - up to 900 kg of cargo.
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Produsent | Revell |
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