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Varekode | afx02073 |
Vekt: | 0.15 kg |
Ean: | 5014429020735 |
Skala | 1:72 |
Størrelse | 194 x 142 mm |
Maling | 130 163 164 19 24 3 33 61 85 86 56 166 |
Lagt til katalogen: | 30.10.2004 |
Tagger: | Hawker-Hunter |
Produsent | Airfix |
Ansvarlig enhet | "S.K. MODEL" Spó³ka z ograniczon± odpowiedzialno¶ci± Jednoroæca 1A 80-299 Gdańsk Polen |
The Hawker Hunter was one of the most successful and most widespread fighters of the 1950s. It was designed by British constructor Sir Sydney Camm in 1948 as a day fighter, successor to the Gloster Meteor. The first prototype flew in July 1951, while the first machine in the F.1 production series entered service exactly three years later. The Hunter FGA.9 was a version adapted to carry out attacks against ground targets, also equipped with the more powerful Rolls-Royce Avon 207 engine, instead of the Avon 203 from the F.6 model, and thus with a better payload and range. The changes also included redesigning and strengthening the wings. A total of almost 2,000 Hawker Hunter machines of all types were built, of which about 700 were then resold to foreign recipients after decommissioning. Belgium, Sweden, Peru and India. The Hawker Hunter machine was involved in, among others. in the Suez Crisis in 1956, in the Second Kashmir War (1965) and in the Bangladeshi War of Independence in 1971. Technical data (Hunter F.6 version): length: 14m, wingspan: 10.26m, height: 4.01m, maximum speed: 1150km / h, rate of climb: 87.4m / s, maximum range with overhead tanks: 3060km , maximum ceiling 15240m, armament: fixed - 4 30mm ADEN cannons, suspended - up to 3400 kg of cargo.
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Grunnleggende opplysninger
Produsent | Airfix |
Ansvarlig enhet | "S.K. MODEL" Spó³ka z ograniczon± odpowiedzialno¶ci± Jednoroæca 1A 80-299 Gdańsk Polen |
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