Samolot opracowany w 1940 r. pod kierunkiem A. N. Tupolewa na zlecenie radzieckiego Ministerstwa Obrony i Dowództwa Lotnictwa. Zbudowane trzy prototypy oznaczo symbolem: "103" (ANT-58), "103U" (ANT-59), "103W" poddano próbom i badaniom w okresie od maja 1941 do sierpnia 1942 r. Prototypy byly badane na silnikach rzedowych AM-37 o mo 1030 kW (1400 KM) i na silnikach gwiazdowych ASz-82NW o mocy 1250 kW (1700 KM) z róznymi typami smigiel. Przeszly tez poligonowe próby z zastosowaniem kilku typów zróznicowanego uzbrojenia. Wzorcem dla podjecia seryjnej produkcji zostal prototyp "103W" z silnika gwiazdowymi ASz-82NW. Seryjne samoloty otrzymaly oznaczenie Tu-2. Samoloty pierwszej krótkiej serii informacyjnej wprowadzono w 1942 r. do jednostek lotnictwa bombowego 3 Armii Powietrznej na front Kaliniñski. Tu podjely aktywne dzialania bojowe, w wyniku których wprowadzono na biezaco w serii szereg zmian konstrukcyjnych polepszajacych warunki uzytkowania samolotu na polu walki. Wielkoseryjna produkcje Tu-2S wyposazonych w silniki ASz-82FN o mocy 1361 kW (1850 KM) urochomiono w trzech wytwórniach jeœienia 1943 r. Rozwinieciem tej wersji byl samolot Tu-2 z silnikami ASz-83 o zwiêkszonej mocy do 1400 kW (1900 KM). W 1944 opracowano i skierowano na front takze odmiane szturmowa samolotu Tu-2Sz. Samoloty Tu-2 wszystkich wersji do koñca wojny operowaly na glównych kierunkach dzialañ bojowych Frontu Nadbaltyckiego, Frontu Bialoruskiego, Frontu Ukraiñskiego i nastepnie na Dalekim Wschodzie przeciwko silom japoñskim Armii Kwantuñskiej. Po wojnie samolot byl nadal rozwijany (eksperymentalne Tu-2D, Tu-2DB, Tu-2ACz, Tu-2 RSzR) i produkowany seryjnie w wariancie podstawowym bombowca nurkujacego (Tu-2S), samolotu rozpoznawczego (Tu-2R) i torpedowego (Tu-2T). W latach 1950-1957 samoloty Tu-2 posiadalo równiez polskie lotnictwa bombowe.
The Tupolev Tu-2 is a Soviet twin-engine attack aircraft and medium double tail bomber from the Second World War. The plane was developed in 1940 under the direction of AN Tupolev at the request of the Soviet Ministry of Defense and Aviation Command. The constructed three prototypes were marked with symbols: "103" (ANT-58), "103U" (ANT-59) and "103W", which were tested and examined in the period from May 1941 to August 1942. The prototypes were tested with 1400HP AM-37 inline engines and 1700HP ASz-82NW radial engines and various types of propellers. Prototypes have also undergone field tests with the use of several types of different weapons. The "103W" prototype with the ASz-82NW radial engine was the model for starting mass production. Serial aircraft were designated Tu-2. The planes of the first short information series were introduced in 1942 to the bomber aviation units of the 3rd Air Army in the Kalinin Front. Here, they took active combat actions, as a result of which a number of design changes were introduced on an ongoing basis, improving the conditions of using the aircraft on the battlefield. Mass production of the Tu-2S equipped with the ASz-82FN engines with a capacity of 1850 HP was launched in three plants in the fall of 1943. The Tu-2 aircraft with ASz-83 engines with an increased power of up to 1900 HP was an extension of this version. In 1944, the attack variant of the Tu-2Sz aircraft was also developed and sent to the front. Until the end of the war, Tu-2 planes of all versions operated in the main combat lines of the Baltic Front, the Belarusian Front, the Ukrainian Front and then in the Far East against the Japanese forces of the Kwantung Army. After the war, the aircraft was still being developed (experimental Tu-2D, Tu-2DB, Tu-2ACz, Tu-2 RSzR) and mass-produced in the basic variant of a diving bomber (Tu-2S), reconnaissance aircraft (Tu-2R) and torpedo aircraft (Tu-2R) and torpedo aircraft (Tu-2R). -2T). In the years 1950-1957, the Polish bomber also had Tu-2 planes. Technical data (Tu-2S version): length: 13.8 m, wingspan: 18.86 m, height: 4.56 m, maximum speed: 482 km / h, practical ceiling: 9400 m, maximum range: 2050 km, armament: fixed - 3 12.7mm machine guns and two 20mm cannons, suspended - up to 1200 kg of bombs.
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